Optiledge Platforms
Sustainable Lean Shipping Options
OptiLedge Platforms represent a groundbreaking solution in logistics. They are crafted from lightweight yet robust polypropylene that is easily recyclable. In stark contrast to traditional wooden pallets, which often add over a ton of weight to a standard truckload, OptiLedge offers a remarkable weight reduction, optimizing transportation efficiency and reducing fuel consumption. Moreover, unitized loads utilizing OptiLedge typically require less packaging, further streamlining the shipping process and minimizing environmental impact.
With OptiLedge, businesses can enhance their logistical operations and contribute to sustainability efforts by embracing innovative, eco-friendly solutions for their supply chain needs.
Optiledge Product Benefits
Environmentally Sustainable - The OptiLedge is made of strong, light, and durable polypropylene, which can be recycled. Traditional wooden pallets use trees and are difficult to dispose of. In addition, using wooden pallets adds over one ton of weight to a typical truckload. Lastly, unitized loads generally have less packaging.
Save Money! Customers consistently save hundreds of dollars, mainly in fuel and labor costs, per container by implementing the OptiLedge. Significant savings come from the dramatic reduction of labor required to handle imported goods and reduced fuel expenses due to the OptiLedge's lighter weight.
Reduce Labor, Damages, and Packaging Cost - The OptiLedge is an economic way of creating unit loads so that freight can be handled in a palletized format throughout the supply chain. This eliminates labor that adds no value to your product and reduces damages, workplace injuries, and lead times for your products.
Save Space - The OptiLedge, when not in use, nests together, taking up dramatically less space than a traditional pallet.
Lightweight - The OptiLedge weighs under two pounds compared to 33 pounds for a traditional pallet.